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skybox 插件下载 全景转场特效插件Mettle SkyBox 360 VR Transitions Pack DC v13012017 Win特别版 下载-

2025-03-12 02:55:52 14

Mettle SkyBox 360/VR Transitions 2 Pack是一款惊人的360°VR转场视觉特效插件破解版,使用操作简单,可在Premiere 软件中为视频添加一些电影级别的 360 / VR 转场特效:如放射光线,色彩变化,光晕光斑,球形的模糊等。



SkyBox 360/VR Transitions can be applied directly on two adjoining clips of Equirectangular footage on your timeline in Premiere Pro. Designed specifically for 360 footage, the transitions properly distort the transitions to appear correctly in 360 format, with many customisable features. We support Equirectangular format, mono 2:1 or Stereo 1:1 over-under.

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